"Australia is coming back. […] In the face of a once-in-a-century pandemic, the Australian spirit has shone through.”, with these words full of confidence Federal Treasurer Mr Josh Frydenberg handed down the 2021/22 Federal Budget at 7:30 pm (AEST) yesterday on 11 May 2021.
At DFK Laurence Varnay we are committed to protecting our community and preventing the spread of COVID-19 whilst continuing to provide support to your business without disruptions.
On 21 July, the Government announced that due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis the JobKeeper Payment scheme will be extended by 6 months until 28 March 2021, from the original end date of 27 September 2020.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison recently announced that under the JobKeeper Payment, businesses impacted by the coronavirus will be able to access a subsidy to continue paying their employees.
The “Coronavirus SME Guarantee Scheme” is due to come into effect from early April 2020 and will allow banks to make it easier to provide unsecured loans of up to $250,000 to businesses with a maximum 3 year term and an initial 6 month repayment holiday.
There has been an abundance of media coverage recently surrounding underpayments to staff, payroll inaccuracies and superannuation errors.
As a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, we would like to update you on the steps we are taking to ensure that you and our team are safe whilst continuing to provide support to your business with no, or minimal, disruption.
We are pleased to announce that according to the latest International Accounting Bulletin World Survey, DFK International is ranked as the 7th largest association worldwide.
Key highlights findings are illustrated in this overview document and provide a snapshot into the current challenges and focus of business owners across Australia and New Zealand.
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